“Partygate”: accused of “breaking the law”, Boris Johnson is preparing to act

Boris Johnson will tackle the “underlying culture” in Downing Street that allowed several parties in full confinement, the chairman of his Conservative Party said on Sunday about this scandal which shakes the British Prime Minister, accused by the opposition of having “broken the law”.

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According to the Sunday Times, Johnson is about to announce measures including a ban on alcohol in Downing Street offices. He also plans to lay off several of his employees.

A senior civil servant, Sue Gray, is currently investigating a series of festive events revealed by the media. They were organized in the Prime Minister’s residence, which is also his place of work.

The Prime Minister apologized to MPs in the House of Commons on Wednesday, but new revelations have since continued to surface, such as the continuation of “Friday aperitifs” in Downing Street during the pandemic, despite restrictions prohibiting these types of gatherings.

On Sunday, the Telegraph featured a front-page photo of the Prime Minister’s wife, Carrie Johnson, hugging a friend at a party in September 2020, in apparent breach of distancing rules at the time.

“I can assure you that the prime minister is contrite and deeply sorry for what happened,” Conservative Party chairman Oliver Dowden told the BBC when asked about the celebrations.

“But, more importantly, he is determined to ensure that this cannot happen and that we tackle the underlying culture in Downing Street,” he continued. He added that once Sue Gray’s report is delivered, Boris Johnson will take ‘full responsibility’.

When he apologized to Parliament on Wednesday, Boris Johnson confirmed his attendance at one such party in May 2020, but said he thought it was a business meeting.

The conservative leader is fighting for his political survival. At least six deputies from his camp have publicly called for his departure. To trigger a vote of no confidence and dislodge Boris Johnson, they would have to be at least 54 Tory deputies.

While Oliver Dowden admitted ‘mistakes’, Labor leader Keir Starmer accused Boris Johnson of ‘breaking the law’.

For Mr. Starmer, whose party has climbed in the opinion polls since this “partygate”, “the Prime Minister has degraded the office of Prime Minister and he has lost all authority not only in his own party, but in the country “. He demands his resignation.

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