Party on a Sunwing Flight | The organizer defends himself

Despite the criticisms that fuse, James William Awad – controversial organizer of the air show – claims to have taken all the necessary precautions before the flight. According to him, Sunwing would have refused to serve food to the passengers during the return flight, forcing him not to accept the agreement.

Mayssa Ferah

Mayssa Ferah

“I accepted all of its conditions including the presence of the guards while [sic] ensuring that the established measures would be respected. ”

He said he met with a Sunwing safety representative on Tuesday to discuss the conditions of the return flight. He was required to have security guards at his expense, wear surgical masks at all times and a negative PCR test for anyone in the device. He was required to have an alcohol-free flight, where passengers would remain seated with their cellphones tidy throughout the flight.

He says he did not make the deal since Sunwing refused to provide meals to passengers during the flight.

“They canceled our flight based on assumptions and the other airlines did the same,” he criticizes.

Come back to the country

“I can understand why citizens can be angry as a result of the events. Being a person who likes to bring people together, I was committed to making a private event in complete safety, ”said Mr. Awad in a press release posted on Twitter.

He considers that he has gone beyond the health instructions required by the country of destination.

According to him, all passengers had to be tested in Montreal before leaving for Cancun, although no test is required to enter Mexico.

He explains that he hired a “private plane” – referring here to chartered flights – to ensure everyone’s safety.

“Only my group was allowed to board. ”

He says he is working “tirelessly” to ensure a safe return to Montreal as quickly as possible for those who remain stranded in Mexico.

“The 111 private club is a dream and a vision in which I put my heart and soul into its creation. This was my first travel event. I have learned a lot and continue to learn from this experience. ”

In 2015, the financial markets authority (AMF) launched in 2015 a formal “warning” against James William Awad, who at the time had another first name.

The Laval resident had at the time solicited investors on Facebook without holding a license or having the skills to do such an activity. The AMF court ordered him to cease the activities of his firm KJRVS Inc., in addition to paying fines.

At the time of this writing, Mr. Awad had still not granted an interview to Press.

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