party leaders on all fronts for the last day of the campaign

What there is to know

Home stretch. Before the entry into force of the traditional reserve period, Friday June 17 at midnight, the candidates for the legislative elections chain their last campaign trips. The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, continues to survey her constituency, in Calvados, Marine Le Pen hers in Pas-de-Calais, while Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Julien Bayou will hold a new press conference in the morning in Paris. Follow our live.

Majority absolute or simple? Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday asked the French to grant him a majority “solid” in the National Assembly. But it remains uncertain, according to a Ipsos-Sopra Steria survey for Radio France and France Télévisions. Together would get between 265 and 305 seats, the Nupes from 140 to 180, the right (LR / UDI / DVD) between 60 and 80, and the RN from 20 to 50 deputies.

One last debate before the vote. Lhe representatives of the main political parties debated Thursday evening on the set of “France 2022”, on France 2. Léa Salamé and Laurent Guimier received Mathilde Panot, LFI deputy for Val-de-Marne, François Bayrou, president of the MoDem, Jean -François Copé, LR mayor of Meaux and Philippe Ballard, spokesman for the RN. You can relive that debate here.

More than a thousand candidates present themselves in the second round. All political forces combined, 1,148 candidates are in the running for the second round on Sunday, including 43% women and 57% men, according to an AFP count. There will be seven triangular, 562 duels and three constituencies with a single candidate. As a reminder, five constituencies have already elected their deputy in the first round (four for Nupes, one for Together!).

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