Partnerships with Hockey Canada | It’s Tim Hortons’ turn to suspend its partnership

Like other companies, Tim Hortons has decided to suspend its partnership with Hockey Canada for the World Junior Hockey Championship, which will take place in August.

Posted at 4:03 p.m.

Katherine Harvey Pinard

Katherine Harvey Pinard
The Press

In a statement released Wednesday, Tim Hortons said it was making the decision “pending details from Hockey Canada on how it intends to take firm and final action” following the gang rape allegations involving eight Hockey Canada players. 2018 Junior Team Canada.

“Hockey Canada has communicated its commitment to changing the culture of hockey to make it safer and more inclusive for everyone, on and off the ice,” said the restaurant chain. We have expressed forcefully that we believe Canadians are urgently demanding concrete details from Hockey Canada on how it intends to do this. »

The company will reevaluate its sponsorship agreement once it has received “all the information” it needs to “consider [ses] options”.

On Bauer’s side, we specify that we are “carefully following the facts to determine the next steps of the partnership to find the best ways to be a positive vector of change. However, there is no talk of a break in the partnership.

“These allegations are disturbing,” said Mary-Kay Messier, vice president of marketing at Bauer, who is also a senior adviser to the Professional Hockey Players’ Association.

“We believe that everyone is entitled to a safe and enjoyable experience in the world of hockey, regardless of level. We have recently seen troubling situations, especially for girls, in several communities in Canada. Current policies do not represent all families. So we launched the Women’s Hockey Bill of Rights to help determine the next steps to provide girls with access to resources and a healthy environment in all arenas across Canada. »

Tim Hortons is not the first to make such a decision. On Tuesday morning, Scotiabank announced that it was putting its relationship with Hockey Canada on hold and that the sponsorships planned within the framework of the World Juniors would be paid to other programs.

A few hours later, Canadian Tire withdrew its sponsorship for the same event, reported Katie Strang of The Athletic.

Contacted by The PressImperial (Esso) said it was disturbed by the allegations, but said it had not officially expressed its intention to move away from the Federation.

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