The Minister of Solidarity and Families unveiled on Sunday in “La Tribune Dimanche” her plan to make parents of delinquent children responsible.
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Edwige Diaz, deputy for Grironde and vice-president of the National Rally, guest of 8:30 am franceinfo, judged “shy” Aurore Bergé’s announcements. The Minister of Solidarity and Families revealed on Sunday December 10 in La Tribune Sunday his plan to make parents of delinquent children responsible.
In particular, she announced the establishment of community service for “defaulting parents”. She also wishes to establish “the payment of a financial contribution for parents of children guilty of damage to a victims’ association and a fine for parents who do not appear at hearings concerning their children”. “We are delighted that the government is finally realizing that there is a form of judicial laxity in our country which is unbearable”, but “these are particularly timid announcements”reacted Edwige Diaz.
The RN MP believes that this government plan “will not bring back authority”. She recalled Marine Le Pen’s proposals for 2021 wishing “a removal of family allowances for delinquent children and that they also had to be evicted from their social housing”. The elimination of certain social assistance was implemented between 2010 and 2013 by the Fillon government to combat school absenteeism (Ciotti law). In a 2012 report, socialist senator David Assouline estimated that the suspension of family allowances was a “unequivocal, inequitable and ineffective repressive response”. Éric Ciotti, president of the Republicans, this summer also called on the government to resurrect its law repealed in 2013.
The RN wants to go much further
On the occasion of its parliamentary niche, on October 12, 2023, the National Rally returned the table by proposing a text aimed at suspending family allowances for parents of delinquent children. “The macronie refused this proposal”, regretted Edwige Diaz. The RN MP wishes to go much further: “We want to lower the criminal age to 16 years. We also want, when they are perpetrators of delinquency, to be able to deprive them of part of their freedom. This is the reason why we want to create an educational center closed by department”, she explained. Moreover, “if minors who are foreigners have committed acts of delinquency, of course, their possible naturalization will have to be made impossible”she added.