Thinking that the police were comedians, the players launched “a few valves”, which was not at all to the taste of the officials. The misunderstanding lasted 40 minutes before the intervention ofe the organizer of the escape game.
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An escape game which took place on the evening of Tuesday May 31 in Paris, in the 11th arrondissement, ended with a police intervention, learned franceinfo Friday June 3 from Michaël Ferrari, the co-manager of the escape game WYB immersion which organized the session.
Two players who broke down a door with a crowbar during the game were arrested by police officers from the Anti-Crime Squad. The police were called by people who were in a nearby restaurant and who believed they were witnessing a real robbery, explained Michaël Ferrari.
The theme proposed for this escape game, an immersive experience with comedians and extreme actions, was “a fake travel agency hiding a secret laboratory”. “The goal is to infiltrate this travel agency and the first action of this game is done in the street by forcing the door with a crowbar”detailed Michaël Ferrari.
The players were able to enter the premises which served as a travel agency, “they started to investigate, on the spot”that’s where“they saw three people enter to question them”. Then followed “the total misunderstanding, whether at the level of the players and the police”. The participants in the game “thought the real cops were part of the show and therefore comedians”.
Caught in the game, the two players did not let themselves go and launched “a few valves” to the police, which was not at all to the liking of the civil servants. The misunderstanding lasted 40 minutes, during which the players were handcuffed, questioned and searched, until the misunderstanding was dissipated with the intervention of Michaël Ferrari who explained the situation to the police. This is the first time that this has happened, assures the co-manager of the escape game, who does not intend to change the scenario of his immersive game.