part of the south corner closed after the incidents against Montpellier

The Girondins de Bordeaux have not finished paying the bill for their defeat against Montpellier on Sunday March 20. Beaten (0-2) by a team that had played a half-time 9 against 11, the Bordeaux people had sunk to last place in Ligue 1. And the meeting had been marked by several incidents, sanctioned this Wednesday evening by the Disciplinary Committee of the Professional Football League (LFP). She decided to close the bottom of the Matmut Atlantique south corner in the next home game, the reception of Metz, Sunday April 10.

Smoke bombs and bottle jets

One closing match (plus one suspended) for this part of the stand occupied by the Ultramarines. The main group of supporters had been involved in several incidents during this meeting. Before the match, the massive use of smoke bombs had caused thick fog, which forced the referee to postpone the kick-off by 15 minutes. Then, after Montpellier’s second goal, the striker Florent Mollet had been targeted by water bottle jets. Just like Bordeaux goalkeeper Benoît Costil at halftime, against a backdrop of accusations of racism from the bend.

The Girondins goalkeeper also found himself head to head at the edge of the lawn with the leader of the group, Florian Brunet. After the match, 200 supporters had also waited for the players at the exit of the locker room, incidents which were however not judged by the disciplinary committee. It remains for the club to communicate on a repositioning elsewhere in the ultras stadium, and those who had bought their place at the bottom of the bend.

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