part of the political class denounces a “provocation”

The reward is controversial. Lex-Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn is one of the 547 people who received the Legion of Honor, according to a decree published on Saturday January 1 in the Official Journal. Among the decorated are also all the members of the scientific council.

Part of the political class, including the extreme right and La France insoumise, protests against this distinction handed over to the former minister who resigned in February 2020 and was indicted in September 2021 by the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) for “endangering the lives of others” in its management of the Covid-19 epidemic.

The pro-Frexit presidential candidate Florian Philippot and Thierry mariani (RN) called him on Twitter as “provocation”. Julien Sanchez, mayor of Beaucaire (Gard) and spokesperson for the National Rally, also denounces the “symbol” of this decoration attributed to “the Minister of Health who deserted during the health crisis”.

Several members of La France insoumise have also expressed their indignation, like the deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis Eric Coquerel, who finds “shocking” that Agnès Buzyn was decorated “even though she left her ministry at the worst possible time.”

Antoine Léaument, digital manager of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s campaign, commented : “It smacks of the end of his reign and the gifts for the friends before leaving the Elysee. Distressing but not surprising.”

Other personalities have also spoken on the subject, such as Christian Lehmann, doctor and writer, who posted an ironic tweet on this distinction.

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