Parliamentary debates on the pension reform, motion of censure, mobilization of March 7 … What to remember from the interview with Franck Riester

The Minister for Relations with Parliament was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Friday February 17, 2023.

Franck Riester, Minister for Relations with Parliament, was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Friday February 17, 2023. Amendments on pension reform, motion of censure, minimum pension and mobilization of March 7… He answered questions by Neila Latrous and Lorrain Sénéchal.

“There is very little chance that we will go to the end of the text”

Franck Riester specifies that he remains “still almost 3,000 amendments” to be examined before Article 7, the one relating to raising the retirement age. “There is very little chance that we will go to the end of the text”deplores the Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament. “We don’t even know if we’re going to go as far as article seven”, he confides. For several days, however, the Nupes has gradually withdrawn thousands of amendments. A judged tactic “very amazing” by the minister, but who “reflects well the strategy of La France insoumise”according to him, “block the democratic debate”. Elected officials from LFI, like the deputies Manuel Bompard and Eric Coquerel, are asking the government to extend the debates over the next few days to allow the examination of the text to be completed. “What’s the point ?”reacts Franck Riester. “Thousands of obstruction amendments remain”. “We can see that they are very divided” on the left, concludes the minister.

“There is no risk” that the motion of censure of the RN will be adopted

The motion of censure tabled by the National Rally will be examined this Friday evening at midnight, at the end of the debates. “There is no risk” that it be adopted, according to Franck Riester. The left has already made it known that it would not vote for the motion, so as not to position itself as a partner of the National Rally. For the minister, this motion of censure is only a means for the RN “to exist” in the debate. “The National Rally is the sidereal void, they oppose each other but they offer nothing”continues the minister.

“We will listen to what will be said in the Senate”

Once the debates are over in the National Assembly, the text will be studied in the Senate, at the beginning of March and for ten days. The senior index, which was rejected by MPs, could be reconsidered. “I know that senators are committed to how to better take into account seniors in companies”, reassures Franck Riester. The minister assures that the government is “listening” and will be “also listening to what will be said in the Senate, keeping the course of reform, that is to say financial balance.”

Minimum pension: “We are committed to 85% of the net minimum wage and not to a specific figure”

Point of tension for several days, Franck Riester has tried to provide details on the minimum retirement for those who have had a full career “full-time” remunerated “at minimum wage level”. “Obviously things will evolve over time, that’s why we are committed to 85% of the net minimum wage and not to a specific figure”, argues the minister. Franck Riester explains that the level of the Smic evolving, we cannot base ourselves in the long term on the figure of 1,200 euros of minimum pension. How will the minimum pension be calculated for those who have received a variable salary, oscillating around the Smic? “Very complicated calculations will be made”eludes the minister.

Day of action on March 7: “A blocked France is never good news”

A sixth day of mobilization against the pension reform is being prepared on March 7. This time, the intersyndicale calls for putting France “off”. “A blocked France is never good news for France and the French”reacts Franck Riester this Friday morning, which underlines the “consequences for those who go to work, who go to school.” “We can clearly see that there is a mobilization, an opposition from a certain number of our compatriots to this reform”recognizes the Minister, therefore “we continue to explain, respond and improve the text.”


Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” of Friday February 17, 2023:

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