Parliament votes in first reading to toughen the law on “LGBT propaganda”

The 2013 law punishing “LGBT propaganda” with minors will be reinforced by a ban on “denial of family values” and some “promotion of non-traditional sexual orientations” also among adults.

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The conservative line followed by Vladimir Putin is hardening. Russian deputies voted in first reading Thursday, October 27 to strengthen its LGBTphobe law. “Deputies of the State Duma unanimously adopted the first reading of the amendments” of a text repressing the “LGBT propaganda”, says Parliament. The 2013 law punishing the “LGBT propaganda” among minors is thus reinforced by a ban on “denial of family values” and some “promotion of non-traditional sexual orientations” also among adults.

These prohibitions concern “the media, the internet, literature and cinema” or even advertising. “Films promoting non-traditional sex will not receive a distribution certificate”, warned the Duma. The text also prohibits “information likely to induce the desire to change sex” for kids.

Two readings are still planned, before the upper house of Parliament, the Council of the Federation, studies it and it can be submitted for signature to President Vladimir Putin, which generally constitutes a simple formality.

“We must protect our citizens and Russia from degradation and extinction, from the darkness spread by the United States and European states”, said State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin. These offenses will be punished with heavy fines and foreigners violating this law may be expelled, according to the Duma.

Russia has continued to strengthen its conservative turn in recent years in the face of what Vladimir Putin presents as a “decadence” of Western society. This turn has been accentuated since the beginning of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, presented by the Kremlin also as a fight against the Western world, determined, according to Moscow, to eradicate Russia.

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