The text adopted Wednesday by parliament requires strikers to give notice of their participation in a social movement “no later than noon the day before each strike day.”
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85 votes against 30. Parliament adopted, on Wednesday November 15, a bill aimed at organizing air navigation services in the event of social movements, through a final vote in the National Assembly, despite opposition from the left.
This text “protective and balanced” allows you to end “to an asymmetrical system” at the origin of a “disorganization of the public service”, supported the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune from the hemicycle.
“Threat to the right to strike”
The senatorial bill, adopted in June by the upper house, is brought to the Assembly by Renaissance deputy Damien Adam. The left opposed it, considering the text as “a threat to the right to strike”, according to environmentalist MP Lisa Belluco.
Senator Vincent Capo-Canellas (Centrist Union) is at the initiative of this bill which makes it compulsory for any air agent carrying out functions “whose absence is likely to directly affect the completion of flights”, to individually declare their participation in a strike movement two days previously. The text requires strikers to warn of their participation in a social movement “no later than noon the day before the day before each strike day”. Currently, air traffic control unions must file any strike notice five days before a strike, but strikers do not have to declare their individual participation.
The text aims to enable “a minimum adapted service”that is to say the obligation imposed on public service employees, to ensure a minimum service in all circumstances and the implementation “proportionate measures” to the real needs of the sector in the event of a strike, argued rapporteur Damien Adam. The government, for its part, is committed to reviewing the terms of the minimum service system, which has applied to air traffic controllers since 1985.