Be careful, parking in Dijon and the Dijon conurbation will soon cost you a little more. From October 1, the parking rate will drop from 1.80 to 2 euros per hour. It will be 4.50 for 2 hours, the maximum time allowed. And it’s the same all over the city, including in the underground car parks. The increase was voted on Thursday, June 30 by elected officials in metropolitan France to adapt to inflation, and better finance the tram and bus network. Prices have not changed since 2015.
“Two euros is still a reasonable price, similar to an average city like Beaune” argues François Rebsamen, president of Dijon-Métropole. This increase should bring 700,000 euros per year to the metropolis and compensate for the declining financial revenues of trams and buses. “The proceeds will also make it possible to renovate and reopen the parking lot of the new Dauphine center in the city center.”
– Olivier Estran
“Two euros, it’s starting to sting” retorts Jeremy, who stays behind the wheel of his car while his wife runs an errand in town. “I rarely park in the city center because it has become very expensive.” “In an hour, we have time to do nothing!” adds Madeleine. “4.50 euros for two hours is too much. Suddenly, it makes you want to park in the Toison d’Or car park. There at least it’s free!”
Merchants reimburse your parking
“I am not opposed to this increase” underlines Denis Favier the president of the union of Shop’In Dijon traders. “It will avoid suction cup cars, and facilitate a turnover of parking spaces. I remind you that many of our members reimburse their customers for two hours of parking. When to park in the Toison d’Or car park (large commercial area in the north of the city -editor’s note-), why not? Then just take the tram to come to the city center. Many already do it, why not others?”
Enclosed car parks and fines are also increasing!
Watch out for recalcitrants. The price of fines will also increase. If you do not put a ticket behind your windshield, you risk a fine of 25 euros against 17 before, provided you pay within 72 hours. Beyond the fine will increase to 40 euros against 30 currently.
In contrast residential parking drops for residents of downtown Dijon : it goes from 25 to 20 euros per month.
As to underground car parks or in buildings, their prices will increase as shown in the table below:
– Olivier Estran