Parity and women’s power… Finally! By Eveline Bouillon

Camille: We navigated through the sweets inspired by grandmothers, Tunisians, Moroccans, Jewish women, Arab women, inspirational women… and suddenly that inspired you?

Eveline: Yes it was good, it was beautiful and there was a feminine influence every minute because if you think about it, food is the mother, it’s the woman… they’re all the goddesses who embody femininity in so many religions…

Camille: And for you, is it a collective consciousness that we are losing as society evolves? Modern society I mean.

Eveline: yes… where are the hamams where the women gave each other advice on beauty, fertility or wisdom?

Where are the women who took power from ancient Greece, in the Middle Ages and at all times…

And even in Zen, that is to say everything that comes from Asia and influences us, there are recipes for the young mother to regain her strength quickly and principles such as never leaving a mother alone with her newborn at least the first few weeks…

What common sense, women’s secrets, recipes forged over time and which have helped generations of women…

More current: they are 40% to create businesses now and INSEE affirms that businesses run by women are more profitable than those run by men!

Camille: yes, sorority is a new term for us French women but very rooted in Anglo-Saxon countries.

Eveline: You said the magic word: if women governed more, it has been studied, there would be less war, more respect for people, less pollution and more distribution of wealth.

Camille: OK, but what can we do to bring back this ancestral feminine knowledge and restore women’s awareness and knowledge to its rightful place?

Eveline: first of all by interesting you. Type and click women and power, you will discover the developments in favor of women, the fact that they know how to govern and sometimes better than men, in any case differently

Camille: it’s true that parity is finally a principle that companies are beginning to respect and which finally propels women to the fore

Eveline: yes and it feels good!

Camille: and how do you apply this in your daily life?

Eveline: Give value to the advice of your sister, mother, grandmother… have confidence in this feminine wisdom and listen to them with interest. Organize women’s groups, outings, common reflections, mutual help… You will be surprised how much women know how to be useful to each other, even at very high levels!

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