Parisian supporters denounce “shocking” pat-downs at the entrance to the stadium

The accounts report, beyond the tensions between the police and fans, hands slipping into underwear and passages leaning on private parts during the body search suffered by several supporters.

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Several PSG supporters, who came to see their team play in Lisbon on Wednesday evening, told France Bleu Paris on Friday that they had suffered inappropriate pat-downs from the Portuguese club’s security services, going as far as “sexual assault”according to some.

The stories collected by France Bleu show, beyond the tensions between the police and fans, hands slipped into underwear and passages leaning on private parts during the body search suffered by several of the 3,200 supporters. from Paris Saint-Germain present that evening, both men and women.

“The bitter taste of being treated like animals”

Candice, 24, says: “First, they start by touching my bra, then they put their hand inside my underwear for a good minute, before they put their hand in my crotch for a long time. All this was very unpleasant, I left there shocked”. Another supporter made a similar testimony, comparing the palpation to “a gynecologist who searched my panties”with “the bitter taste of having been treated like animals”. “If I had known how to speak Portuguese, I could have filed a complaint for sexual assault”she adds.

Contacted by France Bleu Paris, the Parisian club has not yet officially reacted but claimed to have “been alerted” actions “perfectly unacceptable and unworthy”, and launched a call for testimonials. At the same time, fans can file a complaint at the police station of their choice. Benfica stadium security is known to Portuguese fans for being accustomed to similar incidents. This is the second time since the start of the Champions League that it has been questioned.


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