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A shooting took place on the night of Sunday April 24 to Monday April 25, on the New Bridge in Paris. Police opened fire on a car that allegedly tried to evade a police check by driving into one of the officers. Two of the passengers died.
On the night of Sunday April 24 to Monday April 25, a tragedy took place product on the New Bridgein one of the most touristy areas of Paris. A policeman opened fire on a car. One of his colleagues tried a final cardiac massage to try to revive the person, in vain. The balance sheet is two dead and one injured, in the center of the capital. “We heard gunshots. We thought at first that it was firecrackers”says a man. Six impacts were noted on the windshield.
Originally, it was a simple check that took place around 11:50 p.m.. The five policemen want to control the car which is parked in the wrong direction. The vehicle starts and then accelerates in their direction. For police unions, there is indeed self-defense. The two people killed, aged 21 and 25, are known to the police, in particular for narcotics. The officer who fired is in custody view, because I’IGPN checks his account as well as that of his colleagues.