Paris does not “capitulate”, says Minister of the Sea

“We will fight to the end” for the allocation of the 150 missing fishing licenses, assures Annick Girardin.

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“There’s nothing new”, specifies Friday, November 19 on France Inter the Minister of the Sea Annick Girardin, the day after his speech at the Assises de la Pêche, in Saint-Pol-de-Léon (Finistère). She mentioned a compensation plan in preparation for French boats that would not obtain the fishing license necessary to hook in British waters.

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Annick Girardin a “recalled yesterday [jeudi] the Brexit support plan “, which includes “the fleet exit plan for those who do not have a license “. This plan is from elsewhere “a European tool”, from which all fishing vessels flying the flag of one of the countries of the European Union can benefit. The Minister of the Sea is annoyed that “people take back small pieces of sentences”, while she claims to have already spoken about this compensation plan last December.

Faced with the anger of fishermen, who deduced from this evocation of “fleet exit plan” an unfavorable outcome for the French ships of the negotiations underway with London, the Minister of the Sea replies on the contrary that “that does not mean that we capitulate, but simply that[elle] continue to be by everyone’s side “. “We will fight to the end” for the allocation of the 150 missing fishing licenses, compared to the 900 already obtained, according to its estimates.

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