Paris clarifies its threats against the United Kingdom


France 3

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The fishermen of the Channel are worried about their future: will France succeed in making London bend in its arm wrestling? Journalist Anne Bourse is live from the Quai d’Orsay to take stock.

The French government in conflict with Great Britain on post-Brexit fishing licenses, is he really ready to apply retaliatory measures from Tuesday 2 November? “We bang our fists on the table in a war of nerves“, introduced the journalist Anne Bourse, live for the 19/20 of France 3, Wednesday October 27.”The government said at noon, ‘our patience has reached its limits’, the countdown is on until Monday evening. “

Behind the scenes, on the French side, we recognize that we must increase the pressure without completely seizing the discussions, hence the threat of retaliatory measures at first. In a statement that has just been released, Paris says it should prevent the landing of English fishing in French ports“, continues the journalist. France could also”reduce its electricity supply to the Channel Islands. “

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