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Vaccination continues in France. Only downside: for children from 5 to 11 years old, it does not take. Many parents are obviously still reluctant to do so.
In a Parisian vaccination center, everything is organized to welcome the children, until the reward after the injection. A little extra for some, but not the essential for ten-year-old Raphaël and his dad: “We come to protect ourselves and protect others”, said the young boy. These vaccinated children remain exceptions. Less than 2% of 5-9 year olds and 6% of 10-11 year olds received their first dose.
There are indeed still many questions among parents. “It’s hard to make up your mind”, according to a father. Christophe Delacourt, head of the pediatric pulmonology department at Necker Hospital (Paris) examines all the available studies, and according to him, “the benefit of vaccination in children aged five to eleven is first individual. (…) In a context of viral infection with many cases in children, it is necessary to protect them against severe forms.” Today, more than 550 children under the age of ten are hospitalized with a Covid-19 infection.
List of centers offering pediatric vaccination on the santé.fr website
The opinion of the reflection group of the National Ethics Committee (CCNE) on the vaccination of children.
Opinion of the High Authority of Health on the vaccination of 5-11 year olds
Vaccination rates for children: Géodes / Public Health France
Covid hospitalizations in children: Géodes / Public Health France
Non-exhaustive list