Parents sentenced by the Amiens court to eight and ten months in prison for violence and homophobic insults against their son

The victim explains having suffered psychological and physical violence after revealing his homosexuality.

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franceinfo – With France Bleu Picardie

Radio France


Reading time: 2 min

The Amiens courthouse. (THOMAS SAMSON / AFP)

Parents were sentenced on Friday October 4 by the Amiens court (Somme) to eight and ten months in prison with suspended probation for violence and homophobic insults against their son, France Bleu Picardie learned. When the 42-year-old father and the 44-year-old mother learned of the sexual orientation of Lucas, their son, the insults and violence began at the family’s home in Harbonnières.

On April 10, investigators were contacted after a report from the high school social worker. The victim explains that he has suffered psychological and physical violence since he revealed his homosexuality. At home, he also hears homophobic comments: “That’s what’s going to happen to that faggot.”when mentioning HIV, or even: “He’s still on the phone with his tarlouze”.

The mother admitted on the stand that “the family atmosphere was complicated. It wasn’t homosexuality in itself that was a subject, even if it’s true that when you find out about it, you fall out of your chair, it’s more the makeup, the fireworks around. Lucas actually puts on makeup and earrings. “We tried to explain to him the rules at home, about makeupremembers the mother. But he wanted to put himself forward.” “At 17, he’s in a phase of asserting himself, don’t you think?”retorts the president of the court.

His father “don’t know” explain his words. But in a text message to his son when he told him he was gay, he wrote: “This is the worst thing I feared in life, I’m ashamed of myself, I don’t know what I did to make you gay.” At the helm, he finally blurted out: “I had a boy, this is to have a boy, not a girl.”

On physical violence, he assures that “It has nothing to do with homosexuality”but because Lucas had just had an argument with his mother. “Do you think it’s easy for a teenager in this society to discover their homosexuality?”asks the prosecutor. “Even more so in a family that spends their time denigrating him? Can you understand that Lucas is going through something difficult?” “Yes”respond the parents. “Perhaps, more than spending your time calling him a PD, a scumbag, a jerk, you could have talked to him?”

Lucas then declares that “the feminine side can be disturbing: I put on makeup when leaving, I took off my makeup before coming home. My arrogant side was a means of defense, it was very complicated mentally. I continue to have psychological follow-up.” Since then, the son has left home and cut ties with his parents.

“The appreciation of homosexuality over time is something that fluctuatesbelieves Me David Dalmaz, defense lawyer, We are not in the Marais, there is a big difference between Harbonnières, Ham, Chaulnes, and rue de Bretagne. Homosexuality is still something taboo, something outside the norm.” The court finally sentenced the couple to eight and ten months in prison with suspended probation, with an obligation to undergo treatment and to pay 1,500 euros in damages to Lucas.

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