The objective of the law is to protect minors against pornographic content disseminated on the Internet and to facilitate the use of parental control tools, which are still too little known.
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Smartphones, computers, televisions, game consoles… Parental control will be activated by default from July 2024 on devices providing internet access, according to a decree published Thursday, July 13 in the Official Journal. The provision has its origins in the bill of deputy Bruno Studer (Renaissance), supported by the government and adopted in March 2022.
Concretely, terminal manufacturers will be required to install a parental control device on terminals placed on the French market, specifies in a press release the ANFR, the frequency regulation agency which will be responsible for ensuring compliance. terminals. “The activation of this device must be offered free of charge to the user when the equipment is put into service for the first time”, says the agency. This one “will be able to take samples of equipment in the places of sale and, in the event of non-compliance of the terminals with the requirements of the law, adopt a certain number of measures against manufacturers and distributors” and in particular impose an administrative fine. A report on the state of the market will be published by the end of the year. The objective of the law is to protect minors against pornographic content disseminated on the Internet and to facilitate the use of parental control tools, which are still too little known.