Parcoursup, free university, partial … the “8h30 franceinfo” by Frédérique Vidal

Frederique Vidal, minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Saturday January 22, 2022. Parcoursup, free university, organization of partials… She answers Ersin’s questions Leibowitch and Myriam Encaoua.

Parcoursup: “We improve the platform every year”

The Minister of Higher Education defends the Parcoursup platform, whose registrations began on Thursday January 21, and refutes the term“algorithm”. “Parcoursup is a tool that has been made available to establishments and this is what has made it possible to put people back”, she explains.

“We improve the platform every year”, adds the minister. Frédérique Vidal ensures that, “nearly 70% of young people and their families say that it’s a lot of information and that the things put in place gave them ideas for orientation”.

University fees: “No request to work on this issue”

“We froze the registration fees for three years, we froze the rents of the Crous, we increased the scholarships on social criteria, we never had any request to work on these questions”, that of the increase in university registration fees, assures Frédérique Vidal. The minister defends the position of Emmanuel Macron, targeted by opposition critics.

Partials at the university “mostly face-to-face”

“Things are going well and mostly face-to-face” despite the Covid-19, says Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, while partials continue in universities. She assures that “equal treatment between students” is respected because, if an exam is done remotely, it is for the whole class and not just a few students. Substitute examinations are also possible if people are sick.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Saturday January 22, 2022:

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