It’s not just the baccalaureate that matters for all families who have children in their final year. You should also think about Parcoursup. The start date for registrations has just been revealed, it will be next Wednesday, January 15.
Reading time: 2 min

There are still three months before registration for Parcoursup, which will begin on Wednesday January 15, but it is a good time to ask yourself some fundamental questions: What do I want to do? Is there a particular profession, or sector, that interests me or even several! Am I ready to embark on long studies? Can I afford it? That already raises a lot of questions. We can talk about it as a family, start finding out, go to the student fairs and take part in orientation week, organized at the high school, between November and December. You will need to complete what is called the dialogue form. This document which aims to formulate your project. It will be submitted to the first class council (in December, therefore), and will give rise to recommendations from the teaching team.
Registrations are open for two months. So it is urgent to take your time to refine your file. The second term is the time to go to open days and other orientation fairs to meet students, but above all it is about becoming familiar with Parcoursup because it is a driving force for research which will offer 23,000 training courses. Given the stakes, it’s worth taming it a little: looking at how it works. And focus particularly on the courses that interest you, in particular what we call “the expected”, that is to say the skills or knowledge that are required to integrate training. This is very important: it should even guide you, both to ensure that you meet expectations, but also to formulate coherent wishes and write the cover letter, too.
This file must be completed between January 15 and March 12. Up to 10 wishes can be made and as many (10 more) can be added for apprenticeship training. The final date for finalizing your file is April 12. Afterwards, you will need a little patience. Until the end of May, beginning of June to receive the answers. They will not necessarily arrive all at the same time, so again: patience. This year, almost 93% of high school students who expressed their wishes received at least one offer of admission.