Paramedics on indefinite general strike

Paramedics from across Quebec began an indefinite general strike on Friday.

• Read also: Urgences-santé support staff adopt a strike mandate

Thus, the members of the Federation of Pre-Hospital Employees of Quebec (FPHQ) are increasing their means of pressure. Their work being essential, ambulance attendants will have to respect the parameters established by the administrative labor tribunal. Urgent services will therefore be maintained. Non-emergency services will be maintained on a more restricted schedule. For example, home patient returns will be made from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. only.

“The means of pressure essentially affect administrative tasks and thus force employers and their managers to perform these tasks,” explained the president of the FPHQ, Daniel Chouinard, in an email sent to the QMI Agency. The latter also specified that the paramedics no longer invoice ambulance transport and that some of the pre-hospital report forms are no longer completed.

“We are also going to disrupt the political outings which will soon be numerous in view of the next elections, beautiful yellow vehicles will be present and noisy everywhere in Quebec to remind the government that paramedics are tired of not being recognized as essential players in the [réseau de la santé]”, he added.

Without an employment contract since March 31, 2022, paramedics have been in negotiations with the government since September 2021. At the heart of the conflict, we find the salary conditions which remain lower than those of other emergency professions, such as police officers, firefighters and nurses.

“We will go through with our requests, that’s all! We will hold the strike as long as necessary and are ready to increase the pressure. The recognition of our profession is now!”, said the president of the FPHQ, Daniel Chouinard, in a press release.

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