Paralympic Games: a former paratrooper commando aims for a medal in a kayak



France 3

Article written by

M. Subra-Gomez, D. Sébastien, J. Pelletier, T. Simonet, O. Sauvayre – France 3

France Televisions

Remy Boulle, formerly a soldier, became a major paraplegic following a parachute accident. He now puts all his energy into the kayak.

Remy Boulle has a full life. He was first part of the army, before a tragedy. Following a parachute accident, he became a paraplegic. Today, he puts all his strength into the discipline of kayaking, which he practices regularly.I still have to work a lot because I am not yet world number 1“, specifies the athlete. His goal is clear: he wants to be a medalist for the Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024.

Before to know a sporting destiny in the kayak Paralympic, Remy Boulle was a paratrooper commando in the army. His former colleagues hold the athlete in high esteem.He always has a joke. Even if he is not well, he is the one who will always motivate the troops. When we were in Guyana and things weren’t going well, the person joking (…) was Rémy“, explains one of them. For the former soldier, sport is a real passion since in addition to kayaking, he practices cycling.

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