paradise found for sea turtles


Article written by

C. Rougerie, E.Maizy, M.Kassou – France 3

France Televisions

The island of Saint-Martin, in the Caribbean, is home to one of the 167 French nature reserves. A sanctuary for marine turtles threatened by tourism.

The Saint-Martin nature reserve is nearly 30 km2 where sea turtles evolve. The island is increasing its efforts to protect this species threatened by tourism. The mangrove swamp, an area of ​​turtle shelter, has suffered greatly from the passage of Hurricane Irma. Today, tropical shrubs, the red mangrove in particular, are cultivated to reconstitute this habitat. “When the plant grows, its roots will come out and create homes for the tiny fish and turtles”, explains Ashley Daniel, guardian of the Saint-Martin nature reserve. Several thousand of these plants have already been replanted on the island.

To protect these fragile species, diving clubs and boat rental companies must pay a fee to the reserve and respect strict rules: prohibition of fishing and dropping anchor in the sand. These efforts are paying off. In recent months, turtles have grazed underwater meadows again.

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