Pap Ndiaye pays him an early tribute to the Assembly to the applause of the deputies

The Ministry of Education invites schools to pay tribute to the teacher on Friday October 14 or Monday October 17, by organizing “a minute of silence, an exchange or even an educational sequence”.

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During questions to the government in the National Assembly on Tuesday October 11, the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye wanted to pay early tribute to Samuel Paty, assassinated on October 16, 2020 in his high school in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, for showing caricatures of Muhammad in progress.

Pap Ndiaye posted on his Twitter account a short video showing the whole hemicycle standing and applauding the history teacher. “We are preparing to pay tribute to Samuel Paty on the second anniversary of his despicable assassination by an Islamist terrorist. And I have a heartfelt thought for him, my colleague, professor of history”, he declared at the microphone of the National Assembly. At these words, the deputies rose to their feet and applauded. A moment shared by the Minister with this message: “For Samuel Paty, thank you”.

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