The Minister of Education specified that a “construction site” going from primary school to the baccalaureate would be launched to improve the spelling of pupils.
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Fewer points for fouls. The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, said he was in favor on Sunday July 9 of taking into account French mistakes in the marking of copies of the baccalaureate in the years to come. “From a certain level of language too problematic”whatever the quality of the copy, it could not exceed a certain note, he warned during an interview on Radio J.
“But that is only possible if we have worked so that the students no longer make mistakes”he said, announcing a “huge project that goes from primary school to the baccalaureate so that they write correctly”.
Towards a change in the school calendar?
Other project: “the reconquest of the month of June”the baccalaureate reform having reduced the third trimester to “skin of grief”. “We must ensure that final year students work as they should until June”he added. “We are working on several hypotheses: the question of the delay of the specialty tests, the modification of the coefficients (…) I will announce the decision in a few weeks”. At the same time, the government is considering a change in the school calendar, with a possible reduction in holidays and an extension of the days for students.
Asked, moreover, about the rise of the Bolloré group in the textbook sector, the Minister admitted that it was a “a worrying situation because we have an interest, as far as school textbooks are concerned, in the greatest possible diversity”.
The billionaire, who thought, by launching a takeover bid on Lagardère, to create a publishing giant, had to moderate his claims. The Brussels Commission forced him to sell Editis, then to review the terms of the sale.