Pap Ndiaye announces “the development of a program and a training plan for staff” to “accelerate its implementation”

According to the Ministry of National Education and Youth, the program will have to “give a special place” to equality between girls and boys, the fight against discrimination and the notion of consent.

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The Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye on March 31, 2023. (CHRISTOPHE MASSON / MAXPPP)

Sexuality education is a legal obligation, enshrined in the education code. The Minister of National Education and Youth Pap Ndiaye therefore announces Tuesday, June 27 in a press release “the development of a program and a training plan for the personnel“. The minister recalls “the need to make more effective the implementation of the three compulsory sessions per year, from the preparatory course to the terminale“.

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In order to “facilitate and accelerate this implementation“, the minister has “called upon the Higher Council for Programs to draw up, for each level of education, a program proposal specifying the themes and concepts to be covered“, indicates Pap Ndiaye. “Structured in cycles, this program will be adapted to each level in order to cover the three fields of sexuality education: biological, psycho-emotional and legal and social.“.

An annual survey on the implementation

The proposals of the Higher Program Council, “expected by November 2023, must pay particular attention to equality between girls and boys, to the fight against all forms of discrimination linked to gender identity or real or supposed sexual orientation, as well as to the concept of consent“. Based on this program, “educational resources will be developed to support National Education staff“.

>>> Sexuality education: “There is a much freer speech”, says a teacher

The Ministry “will publish a survey each year in June on the implementation by establishments and schools of sexuality education“. Pap Ndiaye wishes to create “a liaison committee bringing together all the actors involved, including in particular associations in the sector, parent-teacher federations and young people themselves“.

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