Pandemic Management | Governance by decrees has lasted long enough, launches the PQ

(Quebec) After almost two years of pandemic, the patience and collaboration of the PQ opposition with the Legault government have reached their limits.

Posted at 8:06

Patrice Bergeron
The Canadian Press

No more question of giving “carte blanche” to the caquistes, according to the leader of the Parti québécois (PQ), Paul St-Pierre Plamondon.

No new health measure will be accepted without a proper debate in the National Assembly.

Nor is there any question of accepting the extension of the health emergency decrees until the electoral campaign next fall.

According to Mr. Saint-Pierre Plamondon, citizens agreed to many restrictions because they were to be exceptional and temporary, but the government seems to want to extend them into permanent measures.

In an interview with The Canadian Press, he said that the lack of debate has ended up damaging the confidence of the population and fueling opposition movements like those who spoke last weekend in Quebec.

The PQ has been calling for a comprehensive deconfinement plan for weeks, which the government should present on Tuesday according to some sources.

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