“Pandemic”: a board game to face the virus together

This text is part of the special Spring Break booklet

As we feel the final phase of deconfinement arriving and the break promises us a good breath, a game offers you the possibility of answering the question with a thousand points: would we, with friends or family, know how to better manage a crisis? what all governments around the world have done?

This game is Pandemicand we take advantage of the release of his last mutation (in the fantastic universe of World of Warcaf) to look back on a great saga, which changed cooperative games forever. Since its release in 2008 (and five million copies sold later!), Pandemic invites four players to cross the world map together to put an end to the viral outbreaks that risk annihilating humanity. Embodying doctors, researchers and other specialists with unique powers, players must coordinate perfectly with each other to treat infected people, study the virus and find vaccines, all under the constant pressure of inevitable outbreaks. Like deja vu?

Risk Assessment

The rules of Pandemic are simple. Not as much as “Wear a mask, say hello with your elbow, and wash your hands thirty times a day”, but definitely more fun. It’s basically a risk assessment game. Can I overlook a town about to explode while I help find a vaccine? Do I rather make an appointment with the doctor on the other side of the planet to eliminate a focus of infection? Discussions are going well around the table. You finish your turn by placing a virus cube on the cities where the epidemic is gaining strength. After three cubes, the epidemic spreads to neighboring capitals, on which a cube is then also placed, often causing chain outbreaks. A part where everything seemed to be going well suddenly turns to hell. Rarely has a cooperative game given us so many thrills, coupled with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment if successful: we did it, we saved humanity.

Virus or zombie?

The latest version of Pandemic offers a similar system, but in the universe drawn from the video game World of Warcraft. Viruses have given way to an invasion of zombies, while players embody elves, warriors and magicians. The problem is solved with axes rather than disinfectants, and dice fights are at the heart of the action, with a helm as a surgical mask. Fun and faithful to the series, the game however seemed to us less intense than the original. It must be admitted: difficult to find more satisfying in this period than to put a final slap to a damn virus!

Pandemic. Z-Man Gamesfrom 10 years old, 1 to 4 players, duration of one hour

To see in video

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