Palindrome | 22-02-2022, date of choice for future spouses

A palindrome means that we can read something both left-to-right and right-to-left. On this palindrome day, many people will take the opportunity to get married.

Posted at 10:51 a.m.

According to CNN, several couples will be heading to chapels in Las Vegas to unite their destinies. Already, Clark County has announced that it celebrated its 5 millionth wedding over the past weekend. And the authorities expect a large influx on this 22and day of 2and month of the year 2022. In addition, couples can obtain a marriage contract at Harry Reid International Airport until the end of the day.

222 Californian couples will say yes to the state capitol. The ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. Pacific time (2 p.m., in English) and end at 2:22 p.m. Pacific time (2:22 p.m.).

Finally, last January, Singapore recorded 483 registrations for a wedding celebration on February 22.

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