Palestinian woman killed by Israeli gunfire in occupied West Bank

The Israeli army confirmed opening fire on the woman’s “lower body”, saying she was “suspiciously” heading towards soldiers despite “warning shots” to dissuade her.

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She succumbed to her injuries after being fired upon by Israeli soldiers, near Husan, southwest of Jerusalem (Israel), in the occupied West Bank. A Palestinian woman was killed Sunday, April 10, by Israeli soldiers in the south of the occupied West Bank, announced the Palestinian Ministry of Health. The victim is a 40-year-old widow and mother of six, reports the Palestinian news agency Wafa. The Israeli army confirmed that it opened fire on the “lower body” of the woman, claiming that she was heading in a way “suspicious” towards soldiers despite “warning shots” to dissuade him.

The latter received first aid on the spot from the soldiers before being taken care of by the Palestinian Red Crescent, said the Israeli army, which announced that it had launched an investigation into this case. For its part, the Palestinian Ministry of Health affirms that the woman was seriously injured when she arrived at the hospital in Beit Jala, near Bethlehem, where she died after losing “a lot of blood”.

This incident takes place as Israeli forces conduct an operation in the occupied northern West Bank. The latter was initiated following an attack that killed three people on Thursday evening in Tel Aviv and which was perpetrated by a Palestinian from the Jenin refugee camp.

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