Every day, those in the know debate the news around Salhia Brakhlia and Renaud Dély.
Reading time: 23 min

The themes :
The Palestinian question ignites the hemicycle: Incident and maximum tension Tuesday May 28 at the National Assembly. While the Insoumis deputies increased their interventions to denounce the offensive of the Israeli army in Rafah, denounce the policy of Benyamin Netanyahu’s government in Gaza, and demand recognition of the State of Palestine, the Insoumis deputy from Bouches-du -Rhône Sébastien Deloglu brandished a Palestinian flag in the hemicycle.
Agricultural orientation bill: This is the great social movement at the start of 2024, supported by more than 80% of French people according to polls, the peasant movement. The agricultural orientation bill adopted yesterday at first reading in the Assembly by 272 votes for and 232 against. The text, which will now be sent for debate to the Senate, sets the objective of food sovereignty and gives agriculture the character of“general interest”. It also removes or reduces standards and corrects the measurement indicator of the Ecophyto plan which aims to reduce the use of pesticides by 50% by 2030.
The informed:
Victoria Koussajournalist in the political service of France info
Olivier Perusenior reporter at Express
Hadrien Bectdeputy head of the political department of France Info
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