Palestinian factions agree to form ‘reconciliation government’ after Gaza war ends

The agreement, concluded in particular between rivals Hamas and Fatah, was signed under the aegis of China. Beijing intends to “play a constructive role” in the Middle East.



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Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during a Fatah meeting in the West Bank city of Ramallah on March 21, 2024. (APAIMAGES/SIPA / SIPA)

A landmark reconciliation. The main Palestinian movements, including rivals Hamas and Fatah, reached an agreement on Tuesday, July 23, including the establishment of a “interim government of national reconciliation” in the Gaza Strip after the war with Israel in the enclave. Fourteen factions gathered in Beijing (China) for this attempt at intra-Palestinian reconciliation.

“The most significant fact is the agreement to form an interim government of national reconciliation for post-war governance”said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi after signing a joint statement.Reconciliation is an internal issue for the Palestinian factions, but at the same time it cannot be achieved without the support of the international community.”the head of Chinese diplomacy further declared. China, he added, wishes “play a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East”.

Fatah, founded by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, and its rival Hamas, which is waging war in Gaza against Israel, have been irreconcilable since Hamas’s coup that ousted the Palestinian Authority from the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after more than a year of political crisis and violence following parliamentary elections. But Israel’s war in Gaza against Hamas has revived calls for talks. “We declare that the way forward to complete this process is national unity. We are committed to national unity and we call for it.”said a member of Hamas’ political bureau, Musa Abu Marzouk.

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