Pakistan: at least three dead and 23 injured in a suicide attack in the west of the country

At least three people were killed and 23 injured on Wednesday in a suicide bombing claimed by the Pakistani Taliban, targeting police officers accompanying a polio vaccination team in western Pakistan, a police source said. .

A suicide bomber targeted a police truck which was preparing to escort this team, and the three dead were “a policeman, a woman and a child”, Azhar Mehesar, a senior police official in Quetta.

The attack was claimed by the Pakistani Taliban of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), without further details, according to a statement sent to AFP.

The TTP, a separate group from the Afghan Taliban but driven by the same ideology, announced on Monday the end of the ceasefire which had been extended indefinitely in June to facilitate peace negotiations with representatives of the Pakistani state.

He justified this decision by the non-respect of this truce on the part of Islamabad and promised to launch in retaliation attacks “throughout the country”.

Islamist militants, including those from the TTP, have for years targeted polio vaccinators and police officers providing security.

According to the Pakistani press, more than 70 polio vaccinators have been killed since 2012, mainly in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (north-west), where the TTP is most firmly rooted.

Polio vaccination faces lingering suspicion in Pakistan, where conspiracy theories abound that the vaccines are part of a Western plot to sterilize Muslim children.

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