PAINLESS, Nilüfer Yanya | The duty

Let’s not be fooled by the title of young British singer-songwriter Nilüfer Yanya’s third album: these twelve or so new songs are indeed painful. ” In a couple days I’m gonna lose this / In a couple places getting bruises / Just to heal my body », breathes the musician while riding the nervous rhythm of Stabilizesone of the most rigid of this album with sounds as rich as it is diversified, a whirlwind of pop, folk, soul, indie rock in the vein of Radiohead (on the blowers Midnight Sun and Trouble at the heart of the disc, among others), the impressive pen of the musician serving as a common thread. Disillusion becomes elegant in the resigned voice of this spiritual heiress of PJ Harvey, Yanya perpetuating on this excellent album the ideal of the Anglo-Saxon alternative rock song, significant and sophisticated. Enough to make us even more eager to catch him in concert at L’Astral on May 9, with Montrealer Ada Lea in the first part.




Nilüfer Yanya, ATO Records

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