Paga and Giuseppa absent for the wedding of Carla and Kevin: The terrible reason revealed

It’s official ! Carla Moreau and Kevin Guedj are now husband and wife. The two lovebirds have finally passed a milestone in their relationship. Good news for all the couple’s fans who were able to follow the images of the ceremony on social networks avidly. All dressed in white, Ruby’s mother had opted for a sublime trouser suit. For his part, the Marseillais star had made the decision to put on a safe bet, a simple suit and tie. If the pretty blonde had the chance to say “yes” to her darling, she nevertheless deplored the absence of her TV comrades. Indeed, none of the Marseillais took the trouble to respond to the invitation of the couple. However, many of them congratulated the newlyweds. On her Snapchat account, Maeva Ghennam sent a sweet message to her former best friend. ” Despite everything, and even if I will never be her friend again, I wish Kevin and Carla all the best and all the best to them and to Ruby. I have a twinge in my heart because I had to be his wedding witness, but that’s how life is… “.

A beautiful statement that seems to have touched the main concerned. ” I would have liked all these people today who have spoken to us to be able to take a plane and come at this moment so important for us in life. When you’re friends, you’re friends until the end no matter what, low or high, a marriage is once in a lifetime. “A few months ago, Carla Moreau was singled out in a terrible case of witchcraft. Since then, his friends from Marseille have gradually moved away. However, Paga is one of the candidates to have kept in touch with the duo. Despite everything, the young man was not present for the wedding of his brother. The reason ? first hinted that Giuseppa’s sidekick was in the studio for a long-running project he couldn’t cancel. For his part, @skyresstv explains that Giuseppa had a very important medical appointment regarding his weight problems. As of now, nothing has been confirmed yet.

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