packets of cocaine were found on the beach of Le Touquet


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – B.Six, Pavant, E.Delbecque

France Televisions

It is no longer uncommon to find drug parcels on the French coast. This time, it was on the beaches of Le Touquet that around thirty packets containing cocaine were discovered.

Wednesday, July 5, all day, the municipal services of Le Touquet (Pas-de-Calais) patrolled the beach, looking for any suspicious packages. It was a walker who found the first packages on Sunday morning. The package bore a pirate’s head. She then decides to immediately bring her back to the municipal police. Thirty-six kilos of cocaine were, in all, picked up by the police. The value of the loot is estimated at more than 1.5 million euros.

Two preferred hypotheses

This case is reminiscent of others. Packages had been found on other French beaches. The phenomenon does not surprise fishermen. One of them has already recovered bundles of drugs in his nets. An investigation is underway. Two hypotheses are favored. Either it is the accidental fall of the packages at sea, or it is a voluntary shedding of goods in the face of a control.

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