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Beware of false promises on packaging. A consumer association has studied the labels of 900 products, and some may be misleading.
Packaging that catches the eye, but doesn’t always deliver what it promises. To know what exactly the products contain, you have to know how to decipher the labels. A far from obvious reflex for consumers, for whom the list “is too long”. Screening 900 packaging and labels, this is what the association for the defense of consumers and users did (CLCV) for five years.
Among the bad students, we find a smoothie, which does not really look like what it announces. “We only have beautiful blueberries and beautiful raspberries on the packaging, whereas when we look at the composition, more than half of the recipe is apple and banana”, observes Lisa Faulet, food manager CLCV. The association asked manufacturers to review the information provided to consumers. Out of eighteen products pinned over the past five years, only two labels have been modified.