oyster farmers in need of seasonal workers as the Christmas holidays approach


Article written by

A.Guille-Epée, J. Delage, L. Rouvray, drone images: Calune Productions and Bundle Communication – France 2

France Televisions

The price of oysters could climb over Christmas due to insufficient supply. The oyster farmers are not sure they can harvest everything, desperately short of hands.

In Charente-Maritime, the biggest season begins for the 800 oyster farmers in the department. They need nearly 3,500 seasonal workers for the holiday season. Producers are concerned, however, that they will not be able to recruit enough staff. In La Tremblade, an establishment is looking to hire between 25 and 30 seasonal workers, but applications are rare. “This year, we are very surprised because we have no one who comes to register for the December holidays”, says Dominique Favier, oyster farmer.

Salary too low, difficulty finding housing or professional reorientation during the pandemic? Professionals are wondering. Another establishment, which exports all over the world, must hire 150 seasonal workers. To recruit, the boss, Adrien Geay, posted a video on social networks. In order to increase the minimum wage, overtime is paid 25 to 50% more. Result, a net salary “between 1,100 and 1,500 euros” for 15 working days, explains Adrien Geay.


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