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56% of the fish we eat now come from sustainable fishing, at announced, Wednesday, February 23, theIfremer. However, the report of the Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea also highlights the other face of the seabed: so-called “collapsed” fish, whose future is more than uncertain.
The overfishing riskdeplete the bottom of the oceans? On the market stall, some fish are rare and cost more. “We fish less, and suddenly it has a direct impact on the stalls“explains Arezki madadifishmonger. While whiting stocks are now considered to be in good condition, sole and cod are at their lowest. They are species overfishedwhich are in danger of collapsing.
“The problem is that it can take time to recover, and therefore the population does not accept, or cannot support, a profitable commercial fishery.“explains Alain Biseau, fisheries biologist atIfremer. In the English Channel, cod has become impossible to find. “It has nothing to do with overfishing, it’s only due to global warming. (…) You need a certain limit. We are forced to limit ourselves, because if there are no more resources, there are no more fishermen“says Olivier The priestchairman of the regional fisheries committee. In 2020, more than 328,000 tonnes of fish were caught in France.