overdose for six children in a vaccine park in Le Mans

According to the Regional Health Agency, the possible post-vaccination effects for these six children may be mainly fever and body aches.

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Cafouillage in Le Mans (Sarthe). Six children received Saturday, December 18 “by mistake” too strong a dose of Pfizer vaccine in a vaccination center in the city, AFP learned Sunday from the prefecture of Sarthe and the ARS. On Saturday, the large-capacity departmental vaccination center in Le Mans, open since December 15, “activated a pediatric vaccination line for children aged 5 to 11, at risk of severe forms of Covid-19 and for children living in the entourage of an immunocompromised person”, said the prefecture of Sarthe and ARS Pays de la Loire in a press release, confirming information from the local press.

>> Covid-19: seven questions on the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11, which is due to start on December 22

Normally, the dose given for this age group corresponds to 10 micrograms of pediatric Pfizer and is increased to 30 micrograms of Pfizer Comirnaty from the age of 12, according to the same source. “During the first vaccines administered, six children received a dose of 20 micrograms by mistake from Pfizer Comirnaty. Noting this anomaly, in addition to the measures taken for the doses of the following vaccines, the referring doctor of the vaccination center immediately contacted the families. concerned to inform them and put in place with them the necessary follow-up measures (…) “, continues the press release.

According to the Regional Health Agency, the possible post-vaccination effects for these six children may be mainly fever and body aches. “None of the families has so far recalled the head doctor who had been informed of the few symptoms that had manifested themselves during the first contact (no symptoms for five children, fatigue and aches for the 6th)”, specify the prefecture and the ARS. Jean Castex had visited this vaccinodrome on Saturday, exchanging with several people who had come to be vaccinated, mainly booster doses.

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