Over 700 gold coins found in cornfield

A man in Kentucky, USA, was surprised to find more than 700 Civil War-era gold coins in his cornfield, and some are said to be worth nearly $100,000.

“It’s the most insane thing ever,” the lucky man reportedly said as he dug up the pieces of dirt, according to a short video obtained by the National Post.

The hoard has reportedly not yet been fully appraised, but one of the coins, a $20 Gold Liberty from 1863, has already sold at auction for over $100,000.

Eighteen of these coins are believed to be in the cache, in addition to 600 gold coins which date from 1854 to 1862.

“The significance of this discovery cannot be overstated, as the staggering number of over $700 in gold represents a virtual time capsule of Civil War-era coins,” said coin expert Jeff Garrett. rare, who was responsible for authenticating the find.

It wouldn’t be so surprising if those coins ended up in Kentucky. During the Civil War, this border state declared itself neutral and faced with its uncertain future, many wealthy residents hid their valuables, according to the outlet.

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