outgoing deputies re-elected in three partial legislative elections

Meyer Habib, Eléonore Caroit and Karim Ben Cheikh won in the 8th, 2nd and 9th constituencies.

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MP Meyer Habib (related to LR) is one of three parliamentarians re-elected by French people living abroad.  (MARTIN BUREAU / AFP)

Winning returns. Three outgoing deputies were re-elected on Sunday April 16, in the second round of partial legislative elections in the constituencies of French people living abroad. Turnout was low for these low-stakes polls. These three re-elected parliamentarians are Meyer Habib (close to LR), Eléonore Caroit (Renaissance) and Karim Ben Cheikh (Nupes).

In the 2nd constituency, which brings together countries from Latin America and the Caribbean, the outgoing Macronist Eleonore Caroit won 62.44% of the vote, winning over the LFI candidate of Nupes Christian Rodriguez (37.56%). whom she had already beaten in June. In the 9th constituency, French people established in the Maghreb and West Africa, the outgoing environmentalist and Nupes candidate Karim Ben Cheikh claimed victory on Sunday with 67% of the vote, against Macronist candidate Caroline Traverse. The official results for this constituency had not yet been published overnight from Saturday to Sunday.

Meyer Habib re-elected after invalidated first ballot

In the 8th constituency, which brings together several countries around the Mediterranean, including Israel, Italy, Greece and Turkey, the related outgoing LR Meyer Habib won 53.99% of the vote, against 46.01% for the macronist Deborah Abisror de Lieme, according to the provisional results available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Meyer Habib even widened the gap against Deborah Abisror de Lieme, who was already in contention in the second round last June and had then obtained 49.42% of the vote.

The politician, close to Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, had seen his election invalidated last June by the Constitutional Council for “irregularities”. The institution had canceled its June election after noting “irregularities” and “manoeuvres” by its supporters “likely to alter the sincerity of the ballot”.

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