“out of reality”, “denial”, “more just nation” … Political reactions after the president’s speech

The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, spoke Monday at 8 p.m. after the promulgation of the pension reform. The Head of State presented a new roadmap for the government with three major projects, work, justice and progress.

After the enactment of the pension reform, the Head of State spoke on Monday April 17 at 8 p.m. in a televised address. The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, believes that he has no “nothing concrete” in this speech. Sophie Binet, secretary general of the CGT, says for her part on LCI that‘”there will be no return to normal until there is a withdrawal from the pension reform”. Michel Beaugas, confederal secretary of Force Ouvrière, calls on franceinfo to “keep putting pressure on” and stay “determined”. “I found it amazing”, reacted for his part François Hommeril, the president of the CFE-CGC. Regarding the 100 days mentioned by Emmanuel Macron to appease the country, Benoît Teste, Secretary General of the FSU, says: “We have 100 days ahead of us to once again demonstrate that this reform does not pass, cannot pass against the general will”. Members of the political class also reacted to this intervention.

A president “completely out of reality” for Jean-Luc Mélenchon

On Twitter, the leader of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, judges the president “vscompletely out of reality”according to him, he “assume the theft of two years of freedom. The pans ring truer.”

The deputy of La France insoumise Alexis Corbière posted a video of residents of Montreuil, in Seine-Saint-Denis, banging on saucepans during his speech. Several posts on social networks had called for “pan concerts” in front of town halls and prefectures to oppose the pension reform.

The LFI deputy and chairman of the Finance Committee at the National Assembly, Éric Coquerel, thinks that“Emmanuel Macron believes he is out of the crisis when he is in the middle”. “It sounded hollow and fake like a pan”according to Éric Coquerel. “I wondered if he was going to dare to do the refoundation again, like after the Yellow Vests, like after the Covid…”. “To save the country, he should start repealing a reform that nobody wants. In theory, we are not in a monarchy”added the deputy. “The head of state is completely off the ground. I think he still hasn’t taken the measure of what is happening in the country”finished Éric Coquerel.

“All that for that”, regrets Marine Tondelier, national secretary of EELV

In the environmental camp it is considered that Emmanuel Macron has not made any announcements. Green MP Sandrine Rousseau comments on this speech with a laconic tweet that can be summed up in three words: “Well. Nothing”. A tone that Marine Tondelier also shares on Twitter: “tout that for that” writes the national secretary of EELV, “Those who boycotted were right: they didn’t miss anything”.

No questioning. It’s still crazy!” then gets annoyed Marine Tondelier, who denounces a “denial”.

“A catalog of pious wishes” for Éric Ciotti

“Nothing really new, nothing concrete in a catalog of wishful thinking”reacts on Twitter the president of the Republicans, Éric Ciotti, after the speech of Emmanuel Macron. “The method obviously does not change”he adds.

“I am worried about this speech”declares on franceinfo François-Xavier Bellamy, MEP Les Républicains, “Listening to him, one has the feeling that the president is walled in a denial of reality which now borders on the absurd”. For the MEP, who supports the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron “should have started by acknowledging that not everything was successful”. He concludes by adding that “if this reform was necessary, it should not necessarily be voted on at the cost of a real debate on the reality of the challenges we are facing today”.

Emmanuel Macron “ignores the suffering” of the French for Marine Le Pen

On the side of the National Rally, the president of the RN group in the Assembly, Marine Le Pen, believes that Emmanuel Macron “has again chosen to turn his back [aux Français] and ignore their suffering” by not announcing the holding of a referendum or the withdrawal of the pension reform. Marine Le Pen also criticizes, a “disconnected, solitary and obtuse practice of power” Who “announces the continuation of a five-year term of contempt, indifference and brutality from which it will be necessary to exit through the ballot box”.

>> Pension reform: “We are not ready to turn the page”, warns the inter-union before Emmanuel Macron’s speech

“After taking two more years of life from us, he took 15 minutes of our evening to say nothing as usual”said Monday, April 17 in the evening on franceinfo Laure Lavalette, spokesperson for the RN group in the National Assembly and deputy for Var. “Even if we didn’t expect anything, we are always a little disappointed”she adds. “It could have been a ‘mea culpa’ and in fact it was a ‘satisfecit'”for the deputy who found the president “very disconnected from the French who are suffering”.

“A fairer nation” for Stéphane Séjourné, secretary general of Renaissance

In the camp of the President of the Republic we salute the course displayed by the Head of State. Stéphane Séjourné, secretary general of the presidential Renaissance party, welcomes Emmanuel Macron’s response “to the concerns expressed by our fellow citizens in recent months while building a more independent country”.

The president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, Aurore Bergé, affirms for her part that the president wears “a clear ambition for France and the French”.

“I’m not sure there’s a ‘mea culpa’ to do,” estimated on franceinfo Eric Woerth, Renaissance MP for Oise, after Emmanuel Macron’s speech. “The ‘mea culpa’ is that in the end we were not able to convince”, adds the MP. According to him, “the president recognized the anger” of the French in his speech. He claims that Emmanuel Macron has “Make this gesture of appeasement. He cannot be president and not defend the national interest. Sometimes, this interest does not converge with the opinion of the moment. This is the case with this reform”.

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