“Out of date for TV”, the violent self-censorship of Apolline de Malherbe!

She is the face of RMC’s political interviewer. We see her pugnacious and tenacious in front of her guests, often experienced in the art of the language of wood. But Apolline de Malherbe never gives up. At 42, the journalist leads a life at a hundred miles an hour in her professional environment but also… personal! Because what we know less is that she is also the accomplished mother of four children, whom she fiercely protects from any media exposure. Last April, she confided to the magazine “Femme Actuelle”: “For a long time I pretended that there was no problem and that I had things under control. Now I dare say it’s a big mess, but a happy mess! I try to give them the few moments that I can give them. At the moment, in my life, there is work and family”, she explained honestly, often overwhelmed by an overbooked double calendar.

Asked by the magazine “Elle” on October 6, the beautiful brunette then confided in her apprehension of the passage of time and which could have an impact on her career, which she loves to carry out with a beating drum.

“I dreamed of being 45 for a long time”

“I know that, one day, I will be gone from date for TV”, she analyzes. I hope to work as long as possible, because I have the chance to love my job, but it must be said what is: an old journalist, it’s chic. An old journalist, we sign her less often.” “Concerned” by the fact of “aging physically”, the journalist takes advantage of this to pin down the sexism reigning in the professions of media exposure. At just 42 years old, she nevertheless remembers what she imagined her future life to be when she was very young: “For a long time I dreamed of being 45 years old. I said to myself: at 45, it’s the right time, the children will be grown up, I will be able to breathe. I said to myself: at 45, maybe once in a while, I will sit on the sofa and be able to relax,” she adds. “Well, I’m 42, and I still rarely sit on the couch. Because’there is always something to do: work, something unexpected, a child who needs attention.” A fighter on all fronts, Apolline de Malherbe has now achieved a form of serenity, managing to combine all her commitments by focusing “on the essentials”: ​​“Honestly, it suits me very well (…) I am very happy as long as I have some time for them.” But let her be reassured, Apolline still has very good years ahead of her, to the delight of her loyal viewers.

France Live

See also:

Apolline de Malherbe: she admits that her private life is a mess!

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