ousted, this ultra-popular candidate on social networks finally returns to participate in the semi-final!

Saturday May 27, 2023, eight talents will compete to qualify for the final of The Voice on TF1 : Fanchon, Dame and Hanna (Bigflo and Oli); Arslane and Micha (Amel Bent); Kiona and Jeremy Levif (Vianney) and finally Aurélien (Zazie). All are determined to reach the final!

If all these singers will perform on stage, Tele-Leisure revealed that the musical program had planned to invite some guests. From 11:50 p.m., as our colleagues have indicated, three former tele-hook candidates will be present. The big winner of the seventh season in 2018, Maëlle, Mister Mat passed on the show last year. He will perform a piece with his former coach, Vianney.

The beautiful story of this season

Finally, Jeck, eliminated during this season, Wednesday, February 25, at the blind audition stage will also be there. The 30-year-old, from the Alpes-Maritimes, is wildly successful on social networks. Followed by more than 600,000 subscribers on TikTok, the artist managed to be a hit on the platform thanks to his piece Defeat (inspired by his stint in the flagship program of the first channel, editor’s note), whose clip has exceeded one million views. “I had only been singing for a year, I did not feel ready and my ousting did not surprise me”he explained to francetvinfo. His rise has only just begun since he signed in a record company. “I am not a medium, but I have confidence in the future. I even signed a contract with the TF1 label”.

But before findingThe Voicehe is expected, this Friday, May 26, 2023 in concert at Trois Baudets, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris.

From 9:10 p.m., the penultimate episode of the show The Voice can be watched on TF1 before the grand finale scheduled for Saturday June 3!

See also: Zazie: one of his talents from “The Voice” announces that he wants to end his life after his elimination … and ends up publishing a video regulation


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