Ousted from Quebec solidaire for having denounced the wokes

A Québec solidaire candidate will not be able to run in the next election under the party banner, because he commented favorably a column by Richard Martineau and that it challenged some positions on gender identity.

Raphaël Fiévez, a social worker from Montreal, saw his candidacy in the riding of L’Assomption withdrawn, after discussions with the party at the end of July.

An email exchange between him and a training manager, of which we have obtained a copy, reveals that the sharing on Twitter of Richard Martineau’s column entitled “Le racisme des wokes antiracistes”, published in April 2021 and which concerned a book by Mathieu Bock-Côté, was not appreciated.

“The problem is not only the sharing, but the text that you wrote as an accompaniment,” reproaches the party leader.

Mr. Fiévez had written: “Interesting article which warns against this growing movement in various circles. Virtuous nicknames having divine revelation. »

The manager also accompanies her email with another sharing from Mr. Fiévez.

This is an article from February 2021 on the CAQ Minister of the Environment, Benoit Charette, who was entrusted with the fight against racism.

Mr. Fiévez had written with his share: “Something tells me that the “wokes” will criticize this nomination. »

gender identity

As for Mr. Fiévez’s position on gender identity, which displeased Québec solidaire, it had been published in 2021 on the Last Hour site, which has now disappeared. Mr. Fiévez wrote there: “Activists “wokes” [voudraient] ban words like “woman”, “man”, “girl”, “boy”. »

” [Mais] we are not born asexual. […] We are born like all animals, male or female. »

“We have the choice, having reached the age of reason, to accept this given sex or not,” he concluded.

In an interview with our Bureau of Investigation, Mr. Fiévez said he was disappointed by the turn of events.

“Québec solidaire says it wants freedom of expression and diversity of opinion, but if we are a little divergent or nuanced, then it doesn’t fit with them. »

He cancels his membership

Mr. Fiévez is so disappointed that he has canceled his party membership card.

“The basic values ​​of Québec solidaire resonate with me. […] But after seeing how it works internally, I’m pretty disappointed. »

Called to react, the political formation indicated in an email statement that the candidacy of Mr. Fiévez had raised doubts during the check of his background.

“Doubts have emerged as to his adherence to the values ​​of Québec solidaire during the said process,” writes Rosanne Labelle, deputy coordinator of the party.

Mr. Fiévez was therefore not the right person, she adds, “to represent the party in the riding of L’Assomption. »

– With the collaboration of Marie Christine Trottier

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