our tips to avoid and relieve injuries!

Learn to listen to your body

If you feel pain during your training, do not force it because it can cause more serious problems that may prevent you from continuing to practice a sport. Consult your GP if muscle pain reoccurs or joint pain recurs frequently.

Train for fun

Work according to your level and increase the loads gradually. Some days you’re not in the mood or you have less energy. Do not force yourself with loads that are too heavy, you risk making a wrong move and injuring yourself. You can train gently, it will still do you good! You will surely have more energy and motivation at the next session. Do not hesitate to skip your sports class if you do not feel on your plate!

Do not stretch before the session

Contrary to popular belief, you should avoid stretching before a sports session because it reduces your performance and increases the risk of injury! Instead, prefer a gradual warm-up to gently prepare your muscles. Walking on your way to your gym, for example, is a perfect warm-up.

Stretch properly after the session

Stretch gently at the end of your session without forcing the stretches too much. Each stretch should last no more than a few seconds, listen to your body and repeat as needed. Take the opportunity to relax and breathe gently and deeply.


Leaving the house with your keys is automatic and essential? It must be the same love story between the gym and your water bottle! Drink before, during and at the end of your training, why? Because your joints and tendons are linked to tissue hydration. Not drinking during your session will increase the chances of injury.


A good varied and balanced diet is necessary, without going on a diet or undernourishment! When you do sports often, it is important to eat enough. For example, green vegetables and fruits prevent cramps. Fish and nut oils, rapeseed, are good fats that help prevent tendonitis. Do not forget the pasta, which helps in good muscle development.

Invest in good sports shoes

Choose sports shoes to… play sports! It is essential that your shoes have good cushioning. Without it, you are subjecting your body to repeated shocks. The result: the risk of injury increases. Podiatrists make orthopedic insoles adapted to your feet in case of pain.

Pre and post workout remedies

Pre workout:

Alvadiem Sport, Anti-Chafing Cream with organic honeyto soothe irritations of the heels, thighs, and avoid blisters.

Pre and post workout:

THE Heating balm, Le Chanvrier Français relieves muscle and joint pain.


THE Roll-on certified ORGANIC Mouvement, Olisma relieves the muscles after exercise and promotes better recovery.

I’Arnican organic massage oil, Cooperto soothe aches and sensitive areas.

Jeanette Atme Daou

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