“Our state and our people will not be chained,” says Zelensky after Russian strikes

What there is to know

After the massive strikes carried out by Russia on Thursday, Volodymyr Zelensky assures him: “No matter how treacherous Russia’s actions are, our state and our people will not be shackled. Neither missiles nor Russian atrocities will help them.” “We have already shown what Ukraine is capable of,” also said the Ukrainian president in his daily speech. Follow our live.

Electricity not restored everywhere. Some electrical installations damaged by the Russian strikes still need to be repaired. Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv and Zaporizhia regions “experience difficulties”detailed the Ukrainian president in his video.

A meeting Monday in Geneva on the grain agreement. Russia announces the holding, Monday, March 13, of a meeting in Geneva with the UN on the agreement on Ukrainian grain exports, which expires on March 18. The stakes are high, since Ukrainian cereals are intended in particular for many poor countries.

“Massive retaliatory strikes”. Russia has justified carrying out strikes “massive” in Ukraine on Thursday, “in retaliation” to a recent incursion into its territory which it attributes to “saboteurs” from Kyiv. The Ukrainian President, for his part, denounced the “wretched tactics” Russians after the strikes that hit ten regions of Ukraine.

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